What is Citizenship by Investment?
Citizenship is defined as the relationship between a country and a person reside or born in it, whereby the person accepts the responsibility of upholding the laws and customs of that state. In return, he/she gets the right to work, live and own property in that nation. In the process of Citizenship by Investment, the citizen of one nation invests in the economy of the host country and thereby obtains its citizenship and passport. This process is usually faster than traditional immigration processes. Such programs legally confer citizenship status without necessitating investors to pause their lives or get stuck on procedures.
Why to Investment in Second Citizenship?
There are many reasons for it. In this era, defined by vast technology advancement and increasing identity and security threats, it is imperative to have personal safety and freedom of movement. Considering that you get additional citizenship to a well-developed country in a matter of 100 days or so, the process opens vast possibilities, especially to high net worth individuals.

Secure Future
With geo-political tensions increasing in many parts of the world, it is always wise to have the freedom of movement and the option to settle in a peaceful country where you have a second citizenship. This is of high importance to you and your family members in case of an immediate political tension in your country.

Freedom of movement
Many citizens who wish to travel beyond their countries are often limited by their visas mobility since their origin country’s passport can be restrictive in nature. For instance, the passport of Cyprus allows you to access 166 countries. With a second citizenship, your global mobility improves many times, reducing time for visa filing and other processes when you’re in a hurry to move.

Business and personal benefits
Citizenship by Investment offers massive potential for businesses and opens up new markets to do business in. It enables businessmen to optimize their taxes since some countries only tax income earned from that country and do not subject capital gains to taxes either. It provides an advanced future for your family and loved ones since second citizenship gives access to world-class health care, education, and lifestyle.
Why Countries open for CBI?
Most of the countries that offer CBI offer a high standard of living. While doing so, they also need to attract the crucial foreign direct investment needed for internal development. They channel this money for infrastructural development like real estate projects, business development and job creation.
Countries Offer CBI



Saint Lucia

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Antigua and Barbuda










New Zealand


Capital: Saint George's
Total Area: 344 sq. km.
Languages: English (official), French patois
Government Type: Parliamentary democracy (Parliament) and Commonwealth realm
Currency: East Caribbean dollars (XCD), tied to USD