What is Residency by Investment (RBI)?
Most of us know the importance of permanent residence or PR. It allows a person to legally reside in the host country without being a citizen. When you get access to life in a host country by investing in its economy and thereby obtaining a permanent residency card, it’s called Residency by Investment.
Why to invest in a permanent residency?
Permanent residency is a magic wand to a lot of possibilities. If you are a high-income individual, you can opt to have a peaceful life in another country of high living standards and increase chances of mobility and doing business.

Business opportunities
Permanent residency in a new country allows you to do business in two countries including the country of your origin. You can smartly leverage the best of both markets and increase chances of success.

Security and mobility
It’s important that you have an option where you can stay away from danger if the situation demands. With a permanent residence, you can stay away from the political turmoil of your homeland, in case it happens. It also gives your passport a boost since your country of origin may have a restrictive visa policy, unlike the country where you have the PR.

Lifestyle improvement
Open the doors to a better life for your family and your future generation. Get the best of healthcare, education and other infrastructural facilities by opting for a permanent residence.
Why Countries open for RBI?
Most of the countries that offer RBI offer an advanced quality of living. While doing so, they also need to attract the crucial foreign direct investment needed for societal change and lifestyle improvement. Many countries, Portugal for instance, use the foreign investment from RBI to improve tourism, culture and art.
Countries Offer RBI









New Zealand


The crossroad for Asia, Europe and Africa, Cyprus is a strategically placed economic and political island that bridges the cultural and geographical gulf between East and West. Most uniquely, it is the only European Union member state in the Middle East.

Capital: Nicosia
Total Area: 9,251 sq. km.
Languages: Greek, Turkish, English, Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Arabic
Government Type: Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Currency: Euro (EUR)